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Permute 3 1 9 Kjv

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Sometime in the past, one may have heard that 'cannot sin' applies to Christians when resurrected as spirit beings.This is probably not correct because the whole context of the passage involves the here and now—today, during our physical lives. 1 John 3:9 9 c Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for d his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because e he is born of God. Read more Share Copy. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Wives and Husbands

(Song of Solomon 1:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-33)

1Likewise,ye wives,[be] in subjectionto your ownhusbands;that,if anyobey notthe word,theyalsomaywithoutthe wordbe wonbythe conversationof the wives;2While they beholdyourchasteconversation[coupled] withfear.3Whoseadorninglet itnotbethat outward[adorning] of plaitingthe hair,andof wearingof gold,orof putting onof apparel;4But[let it be] the hiddenmanof the heart,inthat which is not corruptible,[even the ornament] of a meekandquietspirit,whichisin the sightof Godof great price.5Forafter this mannerin the old timethe holywomenalso,whotrustedinGod,adornedthemselves,being in subjectionunto their ownhusbands:6Even asSaraobeyedAbraham,callinghimlord:whosedaughtersye are,as long as ye do well,andarenotafraidwith anyamazement.

7Likewise,ye husbands,dwell with[them] according toknowledge,givinghonourunto the wife,asunto the weakervessel,andasbeing heirs togetherof the graceof life;thatyourprayersbenothindered.

Turn from Evil

8Finally,[be ye] allof one mind,having compassion one of another,love as brethren,[be] pitiful,[be] courteous:9Notrenderingevilforevil,orrailingforrailing:butcontrariwiseblessing;knowingthatye arethereuntocalled,thatye should inherita blessing.

10Forhe that willlovelife,andseegooddays,let him refrainhistonguefromevil,andhislipsthat they speaknoguile:

11Let him eschewevil,anddogood;let him seekpeace,andensueit.

12Forthe eyesof the Lord[are] overthe righteous,andhisears[are open] untotheirprayers:butthe faceof the Lord[is] againstthem that doevil.


Sometime in the past, one may have heard that 'cannot sin' applies to Christians when resurrected as spirit beings.This is probably not correct because the whole context of the passage involves the here and now—today, during our physical lives. 1 John 3:9 9 c Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for d his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because e he is born of God. Read more Share Copy. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Wives and Husbands

(Song of Solomon 1:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-33)

1Likewise,ye wives,[be] in subjectionto your ownhusbands;that,if anyobey notthe word,theyalsomaywithoutthe wordbe wonbythe conversationof the wives;2While they beholdyourchasteconversation[coupled] withfear.3Whoseadorninglet itnotbethat outward[adorning] of plaitingthe hair,andof wearingof gold,orof putting onof apparel;4But[let it be] the hiddenmanof the heart,inthat which is not corruptible,[even the ornament] of a meekandquietspirit,whichisin the sightof Godof great price.5Forafter this mannerin the old timethe holywomenalso,whotrustedinGod,adornedthemselves,being in subjectionunto their ownhusbands:6Even asSaraobeyedAbraham,callinghimlord:whosedaughtersye are,as long as ye do well,andarenotafraidwith anyamazement.

7Likewise,ye husbands,dwell with[them] according toknowledge,givinghonourunto the wife,asunto the weakervessel,andasbeing heirs togetherof the graceof life;thatyourprayersbenothindered.

Turn from Evil

8Finally,[be ye] allof one mind,having compassion one of another,love as brethren,[be] pitiful,[be] courteous:9Notrenderingevilforevil,orrailingforrailing:butcontrariwiseblessing;knowingthatye arethereuntocalled,thatye should inherita blessing.

10Forhe that willlovelife,andseegooddays,let him refrainhistonguefromevil,andhislipsthat they speaknoguile:

11Let him eschewevil,anddogood;let him seekpeace,andensueit.

12Forthe eyesof the Lord[are] overthe righteous,andhisears[are open] untotheirprayers:butthe faceof the Lord[is] againstthem that doevil.

13Andwho[is] he that will harmyou,ifye befollowersof that which is good?

10 Permute 3

Suffering for Righteousness

(Romans 6:15-23)

14Butand ifye sufferforrighteousness' sake,happy[are ye]: andbenotafraidof theirterror,neitherbe troubled;15Butsanctifythe LordGodinyourhearts:and[be] readyalwaysto[give] an answerto every manthat askethyoua reasonofthe hopethat is inyouwithmeeknessandfear:16Havinga goodconscience;that,whereasthey speak evilof you,asof evildoers,they may be ashamedthat falsely accuseyourgoodconversationinChrist.17For[it is] better,ifthe willof Godbe so,that ye sufferfor well doing,thanfor evil doing.18ForChristalsohath oncesufferedforsins,the justforthe unjust,thathe might bringusto God,being put to deathin the flesh,butquickenedby the Spirit:19Bywhichalsohe wentand preachedunto the spiritsinprison;20Which sometimewere disobedient,whenoncethe longsufferingof Godwaitedinthe daysof Noah,while the arkwas a preparing,whereinfew,that is,eightsoulswere savedbywater.21The like figurewhereunto[even] baptismdothalsonowsaveus(notthe putting awayof the filthof the flesh,butthe answerof a goodconsciencetowardGod,) bythe resurrectionof JesusChrist:22Whois goneintoheaven,and isonthe right handof God;angelsandauthoritiesandpowersbeing made subjectunto him.

Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu. Serija Matematika
Published By: University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
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Permute 3 1 9 Kjv Commentaries


We construct components of a conformal connection in a hyperbolic Kaehlerian space and an invariant curvature-type tensor of such a transformation. We also investigate its algebraic properties. U radu je konstruisana konformna koneksija za hiperbolični Kelerov prostor. Pod odredjenim uslovima pronadjena je invarijanta svih takvih koneksija. Za invarijantni tenzor su utvrdjene algebarske osobine.

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Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu. Serija Matematika © 1990 University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
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